
Secure DNS setup for companies and professional users

Secure DNS setup for companies and professional users

BACK Series: License free with open source in the company Professional GDPR friendly IT setup Professional DNS setup As users unfortunately have little knowledge of the functions in the Internet, DNS is one of the most overlooked services in the operation of IT infrastructure and Internet services.

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Self Hosted Jitsi Meet Instance

Self Hosted Jitsi Meet Instance

BACK After all communication with friends and business partners had been switched to the Element Matrix Messenger and only a minimal proportion of e-mails was used, a separate Jitsi Meet instance had to be set up to host all communication components yourself.

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How to Setup your Matrix Synapse Messaging Homeserver (Updated May 2021/English)

How to Setup your Matrix Synapse Messaging Homeserver (Updated May 2021/English)

BACK Updated with Jitsi Video Conference Integration! Matrix Synpase is the server side part to use Element Matrix Messenger If you installed a server using one of the older tutorials double check the configs, especially Apache, Turnserver and Matrix.

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