Nothing to Hide! (Video)

Nothing to Hide! (Video)

And if you really believe that you have nothing to hide, you should watch the following film before making a statement in this direction. We preferred to set the links to Invideo, but since the instances change, we have also added the Vimeo and Youtube link. We will ask the producers whether it is possible for us to also save the film on our peertube instance.

“Nothing to Hide (2017)”

Deepdocs Films

Watch the full documentary, NOTHING TO HIDE, which covers mass surveillance (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese). This documentary challenges the growing, enigmatic, and passive public acceptance of massive corporate and government intrusions into the privacy and rights of individuals and groups. If you think you have “nothing to hide” this is the place.



Of course we know that data protection, privacy and anonymization represent a certain additional effort for the user, but it is necessary to avoid the generation of personal data before it can be stored anywhere. Because where there is data, there is a desire from many sides to be able to access it.

Questions? We are happy to discuss all topics in the context of our project in the Matrix!

We look forward to a lively participation and also ask you to visit the EURAFRI reception in the Matrix.
