The Onion News Project - Decentralize News

The Onion News Project - Decentralize News

In recent years, but especially since Corona, many already known but widely ignored issues with dominant media have surfaced, affecting smaller media outlets, news publishers and bloggers.

Starting with Corona, not only have we seen the usual “click me” headlines, often combined with content that is a complete waste of time, we have also seen copy/paste journalism grow in an unacceptable way.

One of the main problems at this time and still is that journalism should write about things that are going on, but people who want to change the world should switch from media to politics. Using the media to make politics is not the idea of quality journalism.

Based on what happened, the idea of “Onion News Project” was born to avoid these problems in the long run. We need to decentralize news to get a 360 degree view again and stop the cancel culture.

The basic idea

  • must run over Tor to be secure for news publishers, bloggers and service providers from critical regions
  • Registration must be anonymous and only validated by a file stored on the web server
  • Registration of .onion and clearnet sites is allowed as long as their RSS feed and registration file are reachable through Tor
  • The News Directory will not publish content from the RSS feeds. For each registration, a link is made to the website, including adding the site description to the directory to create a complete list of news sites
  • Easily delete the site from the directory by deleting the registry file from the server

Beta operation started

The next steps

  • Growing of the directory
  • Improvement of the representation

Public space of EURAFRI in the matrix

If you’d like to discuss the idea with us, feel free to join our public space in the Matrix: